

柯乐 Peak Performer 零件矫平机可实现可靠、精确的板材和零件矫平,消除所加工产品上的应力。下游生产过程将受益于高质量零件和板材矫平处理,因为工人无需再进行费时费力的返工。



  • 无液压装置的伺服电气驱动的机床理念
  • 机电矫平间隙控制(已获专利)
  • 高级版的清洁系统
  • 可逆转矫平辊(已获专利)
  • 创新型控制系统
  • 预见性维护


柯乐 Peak Performer 零件矫平机可矫平厚度为 0.2 至 66 mm 的板材。



  • 汽车工程
  • 建筑和农业机械
  • 机械工程
  • 钢铁服务中心
  • 房屋建设

The importance of part leveling in metal fabrication

Flat parts can boost bending and welding productivity and keep customers happy


The sheet metal and plate that gets delivered to a metal fabricating company looks flat enough. But looks can be deceiving, and that is especially true with metal. What might seem flat at first is likely to lose its flatness during fabricating. This makes sense when you consider what happens to the raw material before it’s delivered to the shop. Sheets and plates come from the mills in coils. In metal service centers, these coils are uncoiled, straightened, and finally cut to length. Although the sheets appear to be flat, they still have stress inside. (The stress is evident in the material’s grain.)


What are metal fabricators to do to combat the stresses introduced during coiling and released after the parts have been cut or punched? This is where a part leveling machine can help. What are metal fabricators to do to combat the stresses introduced during coiling and released after the parts have been cut or punched? This is where a part leveling machine can help.


The Fabricator has published the fantastic article on "The Importance of Part Leveling in Metal Fabrication". Click on the link below to learn more.

What is leveling

Parts leveling on a KOHLER Peak Performer:

Precise, efficient and cost-effective.


Whether with your own parts leveler from KOHLER or leveled on a contract basis at KOHLER: In many cases, this already pays off in the next production step such as bending, welding or assembly. Many different state-of-the-art Peak Performer part levelers are available in the KOHLER leveling center.

Perfectly leveled and deburred: 

One line, optimal results, seamless processing 


Integrating a leveling machine and a deburring machine into a single production line offers numerous advantages. By combining both processes seamlessly, time, space, and energy are saved as parts are efficiently processed in a single pass. Simultaneous leveling and deburring ensure consistent quality and reduce the need for subsequent rework. This optimizes the entire production process, lowers costs, and increases productivity. Additionally, placing both machines in a single line allows for simplified control by just one operator, further streamlining operations.


Suer Stahltechnik in Raesfeld is maximizing efficiency with a new production line that combines leveling and deburring of sheet metal parts in one process. The combination of KOHLER’s Peak Performer 85P.1600 and Timesavers’ 42 RB deburring machine saves time, space, and energy while boosting productivity. Thanks to seamless integration, a single operator can manage the entire line. The machines level and deburr sheet metal cuts from steel, aluminum, and stainless steel, eliminating material stress and creating clean surfaces for further processing.

Part leveling machine in steel processing

For level, low-tension blanks, sheet metal specialist DEUMU depends on the precise and efficient Peak Performer part leveling machine from KOHLER.


The Peak Performer 130P.2000 impresses with forward-looking features and guarantees optimum leveling results as well as flexibility, reliability and low operating costs. One of the decisive factors here is the ultra-modern servo-electronic machine concept and the complete absence of any hydraulics. This fact was one of the reasons why DEUMU opted for a KOHLER Peak Performer.

KOHLER Teilerichtmaschine in der Stahlbearbeitung






我们的制造全金属飞机的瑞士客户 Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. 采用了 30.1250 型 Peak Performer 零件矫平机矫平钣金坯件。

Peak Performer Teilerichtmaschine für leichte Laser- und Stanzteile




适用性高的机床,可用于厚度高达 16 mm 的板材。凭借其获得专利的矫平间隙控制技术,该零件矫平机可以精确可靠地矫平所有常规材料。伺服电气驱动的机床理念可在完全不采用液压系统的情况实现。柯乐自主开发的高级版清洁系统可以快速轻松地清洁矫平辊和支撑辊。该机器还有其他优点,例如可逆转矫平辊、防夹功能、超宽支撑辊以及智能反向给料操作。


不锈钢专业企业 MODERSOHN® Stainless Steel 也信赖柯乐。该公司总经理、不锈钢技术专家 Wilhelm Modersohn 深知高精度矫平可带来质量提升。




适用的材料厚度最高可达 65 mm。伺服电气驱动的机床理念打动人的是强劲的节能型直接驱动。该机器不但性能高,且运行和维护成本低。像所有柯乐零件矫平机一样,不使用液压系统。获得专利的矫平间隙控制可确保精确可靠地矫平所有常规材料。高级版清洁系统可以快速高效地清洁矫平辊和支撑辊。其他优点包括可逆转矫平辊、防夹功能、超宽支撑辊以及智能反向给料操作。


Liebherr-Hydraulikbagger GmbH 正在使用一台柯乐 Peak Performer 零件矫平机生产平整的、无应力的钢坯。柯乐制造的机器完全能够满足 Liebherr 专家的期望,他们非常高兴做了这个采购决定。







纵列矫平生产线 – 加工圆形零件的完美组合





柯乐 Peak Performer:



带有机电矫平间隙控制功能的无液压 Peak Performer 零件矫平机确立了柯乐在矫平技术方面以及业内的市场领先地位。
